this is bat country.
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Table © Alaine
OOC: Hello hello! And the word count is not a fail. *hugs*
Wc: 1427. Holy shit, my deepest apologies. @_@ *falls over*
WoD: Cupidity ~ Eager or excessive desire, especially for wealth; greed; avarice.

There were few things that occurred anymore that could give Ghita such a high as this. She had melted into her halfling form as she left her packland behind, spurring muscles that had become too lax in inaction into use. It was strange, especially for the fae, to have thought out a plan so thoroughly as this one had been, but the situation so called for it. It also completely absorbed her, the cupidity to explore, to run, to be solely inside one's body as she ran.

And yet, she could argue as much as she wanted against it, but there was a secondary reason that she took this quest today. By no means was the Italian fae naive; And where her English failed, her mate was all too happy to explain things to her. Having a sister as the leader of the whole pack was no small asset, either. So Ghita knew the state of the province, of her community that enclosed Inferni and Dahlia de Mai. Although some details were lacking, the main ones were clear. Dahlia de Mai and Inferni were at war. Inferni's borders were closed. Dahlia de Mai had a new leader. And there would be a war to affect all packs and all Luperci, her Inferni friend caught in the crossfire as he helped lead Inferni during these tangled times.

The Italian fae hadn't heard from her friend since her family had met the male while she was resting back home, but she did know that he was also a friend of her older sister, Savina. The war wasn't just taxing on the two warring leaders; Ghita was in a position where she was able to see, firsthand, the effects of the war on Crimson Dreams, unable to fathom the immense stress, worry, and responsibility that fell on her ebony sister's shoulders. So, in her own way (and she meant well), Ghita decided to take it upon herself to check on their friend. Of course, it went without saying that she hadn't told anyone about the trip - there was no need to worry her family needlessly.

Methodically, her route had been planned out, step by step, all the way until she had reached Inferni territory. First, she'd slip from Crimson Dreams' Cottontail valley and travel through Shiloh Hills until she approached Cour des Miracles territory. Scouring the division between them and neutral territory, relying on sight alone, she'd slip like a shadow into Halifax, the easiest part of her journey complete. From there, she'd stick close to Phoenix Valley, following the land until a sharp right angle occurred in the territory, her signal to continue up into the dampwoods, the total journey ending at around 50 miles.

And so her journey had gone exactly as planned, starting off at a run from Cottontail valley and through Shiloh hills, making it to the shattered coast in just over half an hour with little to no complications. She did, however, end up in Cour des Miracles territory for a few moments towards the end, luckily breezing through with none the wiser to where she had been (and it was only a foot or so in). Once she reached Halifax, however, her whole mentality towards the journey changed.

Before reaching the abandoned city, the Italian fae had been joyous, almost, at taking to the road once more. Her fur had been flying as she left an ivory trail behind, her limbs of similar hues kicking a path of snow as she ran. Ghita's long pink tongue had lolled lazily to her left, unfaltering in her gallop as she navigated over hills and valleys, dips and rises, the only thing on her mind the need for speed. The young mother had wanted to make it there and back before the next daybreak, the fae knowing that she had a certain amount of grace time to allow for her waywardness, and not wanting to push it.

Halifax loomed in front of her, suddenly, the deserted city in monochrome tones. The Secui wolfess skidded to a stop, her hindquarters slamming down on a patch of ice that taunted the snow, easily skidding for a few feet before the snow gracelessly put an end to her fun. Making a mental note to take her niece down here (once the war ceased, of course), she felt like the auburn-hued young one would enjoy the simplicity of skidding on ice. Sure, her heart was pounding from the suddenness of it, but adrenaline had it's perks, that was easy to say.

She paused, wanting to calm her heaving flanks before continuing on the second leg of her journey. This half required more skill; Needed her to reach higher, run faster, be stronger, and outwit every wolf she would meet from here on in. That required her nose to be in top shape, not gasping for breath and her limbs to be ready to carry her out of danger. Already she was nearly in the territory claimed by Dahlia de Mai, the fae unsure of any response that an unfriendly wolf would have towards her. She hadn't heard of the violent rapes from Haku, and so was blissfully unaware of the risks her femininity held (although those who knew her could say with certainty that the small fact wouldn't stop her).

Once her body was tranquil once more, Ghita kept her mind trained on the transformation she knew needed to happen. Her limbs sapped away their power, shrinking to brittle, fragile Lupus limbs, her whole body condensing into one smaller package of speed and stealth - both of which she would need. The mane that had occupied her back now abandoned her, vacuuming into her thinning neck with rapid speed, the wolfess using the shelter of the city to hide her. Not to mention that the Lupus form was the first one that Anslem had seen her in, therefore lowering the risk of Anslem not recognizing her at first encounter.

Ready to continue now, smaller pawsteps were the only thing that she left behind as the fae travelled, using her ebony sense to mark Phoenix Valley territory, half her focus on navigation, the other half constantly radar. Pierced ears swiveled around at the slightest noise, the wind even eliciting the alert to ripple through her body. Finally, the time came to abandon all sense of navigation knowing that within twenty miles she would be inside Inferni territory - now was the time for the plan she hadn't thought out too much; actually finding the male.

Hoping he happened to be on some kind of patrol or something, and alone indeed, the wolfess crept through the dampwoods, ears tail and shoulders sloping closer to the ground. Her nose was constantly on the alert, sifting through scents that weren't her friend's and searching for enemy patrols that would be most disconcerted with her presence. Rolling her shoulders as she paused for a moment, the brown enormities of the trees helped her brown and silver pelt, the snow shielding her limbs at times. Unable to imagine a greater camouflage for this scenario (other than pure alabaster), Ghita sighed quietly, content as her turquoise optics continued their scanning.

Suddenly the need evaporated as the scent of her companion drifted, all too faint at first, and then growing in density as her direction changed. Using her abilities as a wanna-be courser, she shifted, the wind luckily working with her and blowing her tell-tale scent far away from the Inferni's discerning presence. Careful to not let a single twig or a pine needle crumble beneath her paws, the fae did her best to keep her friend from becoming aware of her, until she was a few meters away. Letting out a low-pitched whine, Ghita crouched, blended against a tree and the snow, brilliant blue optics trained on her friend's embers.

"Anslem. It's Ghita - Ghita Marino." Using her family's name so her friend would be completely certain, as soon as he heard her voice all he had to do was turn around - her presence would be obvious by then. She had risen to a standing position in the time it took her to speak, her chest heaving minutely from the long run she had undertaken. However, a grin still reigned on her features, obviously proud of herself for both making it here and finding her companion with relative ease. "All is good, as one can hope, right?"


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