tomorrow may not come.

indent Panting and standing stiff-legged in the sand, Gabriel heard what Hybrid muttered but did not hear. There was a second, quieter voice that was speaking, one only he could hear. It had not been this quiet in years and that was a sign. Lifting his head and studying the area around them, the Aquila was not perturbed by the scent of blood and death so much as he was the utter silence around them. After the noise of combat settled, the area had turned eerie, and almost too quiet.
indent Still, he showed no sign of this. Moving forward, he grabbed the wolf carcass by the nape of the neck and dragged it the several yards to the sandy border, Hybrid following. There, he dropped it. “I’ll leave this project to you,” he said, suggesting that perhaps there was some sort of further test involved. Gabriel and his mother had begun the gruesome warnings, and he wanted to see just how far the others would go.


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