She’s like grace from the earth


In the corner of her eye Mati watched as the other female rummaged through a few things and found each of the things that she had been looking for in the kitchen. Quickly, calmly it all came together and her hand reached out to take Mati’s injured paw. Mati gave it without hesitation, her good hand moving to hold her arm to keep herself steady. The pain increased slightly, as Cambria began to clean away the blood from the cut. But it with such a gentle touch, that Mati felt it dull with the chill of the cold water. Her violet gaze could not be forced to look at it, and without realizing it Mati began watching the face of the armature healer instead. Cambria's soft voice came forward, Mati's unease calmed by her reassurance. She felt better just knowing that she was not alone and without bandages, and now understanding that the other girl actually knew what to do, and had a mentor started the melting of the tension written in her tall form.
“Good, ‘cuz I really didn’t know what to do. Even if I had found something to wrap it with.” Mati admitted, a smile even coming to her face for a brief moment.

At the notion of more pain Mati’s gaze widened, but she did not pull away from Cambria’s gentle hands. She squeezed her eyes shut, inhaling sharply as she felt the alcohol burn the open wound. It did sting, and not just a little. But, if it was needed then she could take it.
“I’m kind of a big baby.” She added as she took the clean cloth and pressed it against the cut, feeling foolish for showing the pain on her face so plainly. Her voice was slightly uneven, still feeling the aftermath of the astringent liquid. Still she did not look down, not wanting to see the blood that might still be on her fur. Cambria took a longer piece of fabric, cutting it to fit her hand.
“I was drawing,” She spoke, awaking from the slight daze.
“and wanted to matte the picture. I ended up cutting myself instead of the matte board. I’m sure I ruined the picture.” She ended with a lower tone, though the picture was oddly captivating Mati would be better off with it out of her room, or tucked away in a folder. It was too suggestive.

Again, Mati followed Cambi’s movements until she returned to her and wrapped the cloth around her hand. Eyes danced over her face, but in a moment’s passing Mati forced her eyes to the room, finding that she had been rudely staring. Feeling the tug of the knot the Church woman looked down to see her brown paw covered with the light hued cloth. She could still feel the sting, but it was dulled by the comforting pressure of the bandage.
“Thank you.” she spoke, her smile returning a bit brighter then before. It was tight on her hand, but she figured that it needed to be. It was also neat, clean cut and would not slip off. Mati saw the change in Cambi’s gaze, her smile fading and her heart began to quicken. She could hardly remember the last time anyone had seen those marks, but oddly she did not move to cover them as she had in the past.

“I was in the city.” She began, her eyes now looking at the healed scars instead of Cambria’s face. Her sea foam eyes needed to be avoided, for there was shame in her own lavender gaze that would not go unnoticed.
“And a male approached me.” the words were paired with the rise of her face and she looked at Cambria with a lessening sense of shame.
“I had the chance to run, I didn’t, and he came attacked me. If it hadn’t been for a coyote, named Onus. I think it would be a lot worse.”, likely dead. Eyes looked away once more, feeling as if she shouldn’t have spoken about it, not sure that Cambria would understand or simply feel pity over her.



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