Butterfly s[p]arkle in endless sun
Pendzez listened as the female gave a brief description of the the day and the Zazkex girl's attitude. Pendzez had known his own sister very well, so he would be able to tell that she was a kind wolf. He cannot recollect whether the girl was mean. "A cabin? That was our old home, where we used to live when our parents were still alive. I go up and... visit them. She was probably doing the same"

If the girl meant no harm and came in search of some items, then Pendzez would be able to lend a hand in helping the wolfess search for these provisions. She too was a mother and had to help her pups. "Well, I'd be able to help a mother of pups. I have pups of my own." he said softly, now assuring her that he was someone not be feared of, even though he was holding the sword.

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