let's just stop, drop everything
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v515/ ... sasban.jpg); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
was be bringing booze and pot? or just booze? Tongue 500+

He knew he could not hope to make her forget the sorrow of her past; again, he was aware of only areas of her life before Nova Scotia. As it was, however, they were enough to make him wish he could erase them, or at least whatever sadness that lingered within her. But he couldn't do so, just as Savina, in all her wonder and beauty, could never make him forget the death of Icarus, the abandonment of his mother and Phoenix. All they could do was attempt to complete each others' lives as much as they possibly could. And he thought they both did this well. He wanted to be available for whatever she asked of him, especially now when the wolves of the region were in the midst of war. Perhaps she would want to lean a bit of her weight against him, and he would gladly let her, for as long as she wanted. When they returned, he wanted to maintain the strength he felt tonight, for her. He didn't want to fall back into his passive ways.

He beamed when he felt her soft face in his chest, and he would have loved to hold her there forever. But they had all night, and he didn't plan to let her leave his arms for long. He was aware of her standing quietly beside Lexington while he worked. He was so glad she liked the beast, that it didn't frighten her. Kansas was so shocked by how well everything was falling into place.

Pulling the strap of his satchel toward him, he sat down beside her, pale face aglow in the dancing color of the fire. He draped an arm around her narrow shoulders, leaning his face toward her as she spoke her thanks. He didn't know why, but her gratitude had sparked a shyness in him. In his mind, the Sadira had never done something this big for his mate. He didn't quite know how to handle the ease and smoothness with which this night had fallen into place. "You don't need to thank me, love. You deserve this," he returned quietly, nuzzling into the crook of her neck with his nose. He pulled away and looked into those startling eyes, the eyes that sent his mind spinning. There was one more hurdle, the one he was most anxious about. He turned and pulled his bag closer to them, baby blue eyes flickering back to meet her gaze once more. "I brought some... things... for us. I thought they might... relax us more," he explained carefully. He lost eye contact with her, abashed, but restored it quickly. "I know how you feel about substances," here he thought of Cambria and inwardly cringed, "And I feel the same. I brought them because it's just you and me, but we don't have to, if it would make you uncomfortable. " He was entirely sincere. He didn't need booze to have fun with her; he just thought it might help get their minds off reality.


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