She’s like grace from the earth


Mati thought of Ghita when Cambria spoke of her, imagining that older wolfess squirm under the application of the wound cleaner. When Cambi smiled at the thought, Mati did as well. It did seem like she had experience, just by the way her fingers worked along side the fabric, how she knew where to place the most pressure and how to tie it so that it would not slip. Her mentor would be proud, Mati imagined. She thought of her own teacher, always wishing that she could find him once more to show how she had progressed.
“Maybe.” Mati responded to the notion that her picture might not be too far-gone beyond recovery. Part of her wanted it to be as perfect as she had found it earlier this day, while the other would be happy to be rid of it.
“Almost everything is in my room, “ She explained, her tone softer then before and the pain far from her mind at the moment.
“I’ll show you the good stuff.” Another smile crossed her face, feeling better by the passing second. A healer Cambria was certainly becoming.

She spoke of the male that was teaching her the healing art, and Mati shook her head lightly.
“No, its not that bad.” She said speaking of the pain. It wasn’t that bad any more, her panic had made it worse. Knowing that she was being taken care of brought a new calm, to replace the bright sting.
“Thanks,” She said again.
“I’ll try to keep it clean, but I’m not exactly known for it.” As she spoke the words she imagined paint splattered all over the clean white fabric. She figured that it needed to stay as clean as possible, and wondered if she should stay away from the brushes and canvas for a few days. It was nice to know that Cambria was simply upstairs if she ever had a problem with this injury or another.

There was a hollow quiet after she finished telling the story about her scars. Purple eyes moved to the girl’s face when she told of her own experience. Mati knew that they were not the same assailant, knowing that her monster was dead as the hands of her savior. She wondered who had almost hurt her, and how the brown and cream hued fey had recovered after getting away. The shock was something Mati would never forget. Cambria’s touch stopped all questions, keeping her mouth closed. It was soft, featherweight and hardly even there. Yet Mati felt them grace the living skin between each scar. Rarely was anyone so close that they saw them, and even more rare was a time when someone was close enough to touch them. Her hand was still presented, her arm still exposed and Mati retreated her arms closer to her midsection. Turning them so that the scars faced downwards, she felt an instant relief when they were hidden.
“Its dangerous, out there.” they were the only words that could be formed on her tongue, though they were not how she felt. She wanted to say how lucky they had both been, how she would understand if she had nightmares, and how she might not look at anything involved in that experience the same. The location, the smells of that night, the heavy breath and the musky scent of him…

Her eyes moved from the female’s face, abruptly leaning away from Cambria as a loud fluttering and a soft cooing broke the silence that Mati had induced. The bird sat on her chocolate colored shoulder, dark eyes looking at Mati in the same amount of wonderment as she looked on with.



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