mutilate insanity
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It would have been interesting if Faolin were to have three kids and he actually got one. :/
His pitiful whines and cries did not faze the mother and her growl only grew deeper. She was not stupid, with her strange psychic ability she had discovered with the help of Phoenix she could feel what he was really feeling. The boy was out for blood. Blood he would not get unless it was his own. She lashed her tail and she felt sickened that he would sink so low. He was a smart little fucker that was for sure, but she would not let him anywhere near her children.

"You are not welcome in Inferni at all. We were told to treat you as any wolf trespassing. I am not fucking stupid you little runt, now get the fuck out," she spat at him and advanced slightly. "That's your niece and nephew in there and you will not be allowed to see them, ever." Another step forward, her red fur stood on end, hackles raised. Red eyes glared at him with disgust. If it came down to it she would take care of him herself. Her mother had been quite the fighter, an assassin of sorts actually and it ran thickly through her own blood. She had killed her own father who was twice the size of her and it did not take the least bit of energy out of her. She remembered dig her claws into his throat and ripping it out with her teeth. Faolin had punched a hole through his chest and ripped his heart out and watched him die.

"I would really like to dig my teeth into your flesh right now, but I would not give you that satisfaction," the she-yote snarled, another step forward. There was barely two meters between the two and she wanted to leap on him and rip him limb from limb. "If you don't get out I will castrate you!"


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