postcard from los angeles

Cool, I was wondering when I'd get to participate in a Storm pack thread again =)

Skoll's remaining ear twitched at the sound of Pilot's voice, and he turned from his vigil over Storm toward the caller's position. Shifted to his full eight feet, usual for him, the scarred warrior made his way with some haste to the cave. His war gear bounced on his hip as he jogged to his destination, wishing that his stomach wound would go ahead and heal. Since it hadn't already, he knew it would probably never go away entirely, but he thought on some days that it must be getting better, albeit slowly.

The very fact that Pilot was the one who'd called together the meeting meant that something was going on. He didn't let himself worry too soon, but something was definitely up. Reaching the clearing, Skoll slowed to a halt, and faced the shifted white form of Pilot Haddon. Skoll was by far the larger of the two, but he respected his diminutive packmate no less for it. Size mattered in a fight, but in the land of Bleeding Souls, battle and rank were completely independent of one another, and in many ways this was superior to the traditional methods of determination he had seen elsewhere. Pilot had the trust of not only his pack mates, but also of their leader, Phoenix. Skoll was happy to work under him in any sense provided he was given the freedom to defend the border as he felt was his duty in any pack. Violence was his forte, and his major contribution, always had been. He may not be a wahrer or even a spaher anymore, but he would continue watching over the Storm territory in the event that anyone needed his assistance.

Standing before the higher ranking wolf, Skoll stood at attention, waiting for the rest of the pack to appear to hear what it was that Pilot had to say. He nodded in acknowledgement to the white wolf, but that was all. The others would be arriving shortly, and he was likely getting ready for a speech or announcement of some sort, no call to bother him prematurely.

~The lyrics are from the best song ever written.

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