Preperation for the unfathomable
At the very last second before her pounce was going to hit him, Ty lowered his head and pushed off the ground with his legs. His body then hurdled towards hers into a headbutt to the chest, simultaneously hitting her and pushing her away. He felt Andrea's claws nick his shoulders as she was knocked back, but they were minor injuries, nothing that would hinder his movement. His sudden rush at her would either cause her to lose wind for a second, or she would collapse altogether. Either way it would force her back, allowing Ty to go onto the offensive.

Whatever the outcome of the air clash brought, the second Ty hit the ground he rushed after her again. Whether his headbutt hit her or missed, he had her off guard, he wasn't going to chance her getting her bearings again. Utilizing his quick reflexes and powerful muscles, he charged her, swiping at her simultaneously with a right paw to the nose, which he would follow up with a swipe with his left. He had to get her on the defensive, or she'd start attempting to be unpredictable again.

He had to admit he had underestimated her abilities, she was a quick and agile wolf, and an admirable fighter for not having to practice all the time. Not to mention that the female was in great shape, her figure and stance were all very beautiful when one looked at her objectively. Nevertheless, Ty had to stay focused, or perhaps there would become the unlikely situation where she could beat him.

Between the grunts and snarls of the two wolves, Ty couldn't help but let out that laugh that Andrea wanted to let out a second ago. He was enjoying this just as much as she was, it had been a while since he had gotten physical with another wolf, be it fighting or otherwise. Lately he had felt this place was too polite, too mental, too formal, he hadn't really had a chance to let go or get rough with another wolf, even just for play purposes. This sort of activity was just what he needed, he felt at home with this, it comforted him to find other wolves who could be more rowdy with him.


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