wrong words seem to rhyme

indent He was toying with him. Even the young Icarus could understand this. But why? Did he get some sort of sick pleasure out of haunting other children? He could tell that this hybrid wasn’t too much older himself, but Icarus knew not to test him. Even though he was still an adolescent, Icarus feared he might be capable of doing something unthinkable.

indent The laughs lingered in the air, like a sick reminder to Icarus that he had no way of escaping. The thick, warm air was enough to suffocate him and he wanted nothing more to see the light of day once more. The glint in the hybrid’s eye was menacing, and Icarus had to make himself stare somewhere else, anywhere. He chose his throat, for he didn’t want to turn his back completely, but was afraid that staring at his mouth or anywhere else which might unnerve him further.

indent The throat moved, adam’s apple bobbing slightly visible beneath Andre’s fur. What it told Icarus was something completely unexpected. Icarus dared to bring his gaze back towards Andre’s face, but what would he say?

indent "You want to know about me, huh?" Icarus spat nervously through clenched teeth. "My father is Phoenix, the alpha of Storm. If he hears about this, I would be careful if I were you!" He knew threats of this kind weren’t going to help him in this situation, but in some way he gained a bit of confidence in thinking about his father.


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