dust the apple off, savor each bite.
xxxxxAt his words a small smile was given, otherwise showing no reaction to the information that Andrezej had been removed from Inferni. While he didn't know the details, he could only imagine what the younger coyote had done to cause himself to be treated the same as a trespassing wolf, a traitor amongst a clan so comprised of blood. Though these ties hardly seemed to matter any longer in present state. But Samael was no fool — he wouldn't start asinine fights without a purpose in mind, or until situation tipped in his favor, and he wasn't blind to the fact that Gabriel was physically bigger and more powerful than him, despite his own size. He could only attribute this to the wolf's blood that flowed through his veins, thicker than in Samael who's father had been solely coyote.
xxxxxInstead, he'd simply have to wait until his back was turned, thrusting the knife between his shoulder-blades when least expected, like a serpent sliding unseen through the grass, using lies and deception to achieve his goals. Andre was a fool. He'd failed in his attempts to overthrow the king and thus branded himself a traitor banned for treason, outcasted eternally unless the hierarchy tipped, crowning a king or queen who'd welcome him back into their ranks. Or unless he returned and succeeded this time, claiming himself as Inferni's king, but Samael doubted this.

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