Help me out, said the eagle to the dove
Word Count: 470

come dance with the west wind and touch on the mountain tops

The girl continued to impress and charm him, and Dawali could easily see that teaching her would be both easy and rewarding. She had chosen the wrong season to begin, though, seeing as herbs were probably the most interesting part of his profession. Or perhaps she had been lucky, with much time on her hands to think about it all before she came so far as to actually put it to use. It could be that it would be very useful for her to do it this way around instead, even though it was not the way he was used to go about it. He smiled at her when she asked him why they kept the horses. It was the same question everyone asked, and there were numerous reasons. Some, like Asha, he was sure, kept them mostly for the sake of companionship. He saw no problem in this, though he would forever consider them also as a potential food source, should the need rise. Asha would probably strangle him if he ever mentioned that to her, though. Smiling, he pointed to the dove in the girl's hands. "Well.. why do you want to save that little bird?" He paused to glance ahead at where they were going before continuing. "We keep them because they are strong and can run very fast and far, faster and further than me, for example, but also because in the long run they become almost like our friends. We care about them, and they allow us to ride on them and they help us with a lot of stuff."

He chuckled at Cambria as her face morphed into a mask of pure amazement, mouth wide open and eyes the size of the moon himself. She said nothing at first, and he seized the opportunity to comment on her reaction, just to tease a little. "I see you understand why we like them so much." He winked at her, but he was not entirely sure if she was in a state to notice it. Moving his hand as if to point further into the building, he spoke again, trying to remind her about their purpose in coming here. "We keep seeds and stuff at the back of the building, that way." He took a step in that direction, testing to see if she was following or not. He would not mind leaving her there for a moment to get the seeds, but he wanted to show her in case she needed to come here to get some more of them for the bird. She was going to come by the pack every now and then anyway; she might as well be allowed to help herself to the seeds without having to ask him every single time. She was a good girl, and Dawali trusted her.


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