Darkest before the Dawn
Coming down from his rear, Rem landed hard and stiff legged. The stallion did it simply for show, Anann hated it when he did for all the jarring it caused. Flaring his nostrils and giving a nasty, snotty snort at the male canine. While giving a disapproving eyeat the horse in the creatures lead. hmph, coward, Rem thought at the other stallion's startled response and the fact he let himself be bridled. Rem allowed no creature to bridle or saddle him. No one dare own him. He choose his rider. The other horse seemed no threat, but Rem saw a glint of steel from the canine. He threw his head, and did his best 'I'll run your ass over if she gives me the word' prance.

Anann had yet to get all the pieces together, getting a sharp jolt out of the land. She jabbed Rem hard with her heel. Is THAT really necessary, Rem. She growled fiercely under her breathe, her head was swimming. She smelt him first, her eyes immediately locking hold on him, bring her crashing back into the here and now. Something in his stance told her he was armed, the horse behind him looked more spooked than anything. Anann sensed no immediate danger as the wolf before her seemed to be on the defensive at the moment. Rem had kept his left side turned away from the strange canine, keeping the blade strapped to Anann's thigh at of sight, a trick learned long ago. Her left arm setting inconspicuously on her leg, one quick movement and she'd have her blade in hand. Anann continued to act rattled over the blur of an entrance she had, still not completely sure what was going on exactly. Better to play the damsel, than to raise alarm. This was the kind of attention she had wanted to avoid.

Easy boy, easy She ran her hand along Rems neck, her hand under his mane. I'm afraid he's a bit protective. Are you harmed? Politics back home had taught Anann a thing or two about deception and misleading. Though she was only trying to defuse a situation before it grew out of hand. Careful not to act overly innocent, it'd all seem too suspicious if he noticed her blade or the fact she had no bit, bridle or saddle to ride with, and had done so from a dead sleep. She wanted to be a nobody, a ghost. No past, just a future. One of her own carving and no one else.

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