Darkest before the Dawn

Honey colored eyes looked at the ride and horse, his entire form tense and ready to fight or flee. Heath was not stupid, nor was he a coward. But bravery did not mean being tramples by a large horse, in unclaimed lands. If anyone should know the power of a stallion, seemingly untamed with no reins it was the Marshal. He looked wild, fierce and Heath held tight to his own steed. Stalk was passive, idle and seemingly thoughtless in his ways. It was why Heath had chosen the horse, for his obedient nature. Stark was normally the horse his blind mate rode, following the actions of his more wild and strong willed mare. It made riding together possible, and at the moment Heath stood before the horse in hopes of protecting him, knowing the other would certainly tear him apart and the loss would be far too great. How would he explain that to Ruri?

Finally the rider seemed to respond to the horse’s temperament, calling down to him. Heath shook his head slightly, wondering how she controlled the beast at all. It was a delicate relationship, between a wolf and their horse, but his trust would not be won with a simple question.
“No” His gruff voice sounded, eyes not leaving the rider nor the horse. Stark snorted softly, calming quickly as his easy going attitude allowed. Heath flicked the knife closed, though left it in his hand. The small blade was simply for everyday use, and Heath had never used it against another beast. Still, it was better then nothing.


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