
Yeah, also there's a winter break now (I'll be gone from Tuesday to Saturday), so have to try and get stuff done before I leave! Short post, sorry, no time for thinking ><
Word Count: --

come dance with the west wind and touch on the mountain tops

She kept her nervous posture, but rose when he told her to, supporting herself to the tree beside her. He searched her face for signs that there was more than fear that caused her behavior, but he could not interpret what he found. That was, if what he found was something at all, and not his imagination playing tricks on him. Her wet fur seemed not to bother her, in fact, she was acting as if she had much greater worries in the world than being covered by mud. Her voice rang, and her words revealed insecurity and worry. He very nearly sighed, sort of resigned, when she asked him if there was a problem. It seemed someone had scared the hell out of this one before, otherwise she would not worry so over simple small-talk. Smiling instead, he tried to reassure her, voice still calm and pose nonthreatening. "No, no. I just wanted to know how you're settling in." He paused and allowed her some time to (hopefully) relax a little. "You're completely drenched — did you fall or something?" If she needed assistance, Dawali was more than happy to offer it. Most that knew him knew that he took any chance to help anyone, especially the members of his tribes.


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