You know I'd do anything for you

The darker female rose, her hips pressed against the hand that traveled between them and Anu cradled Coli’s back, holding in her place. The desire, the indict of emotion and simple, primal and yet wanton need all collided and there could be no more waiting, no more worry and no more guilt. A light moan escaped her lips, her lover’s hand grazing lightly over her sides, touching her chest softly and unknowingly teasing and fueling the spark that once just flickered and now blazed below. Her own escape beckoned, and yet the need to show Colibri what true love, what true satisfaction could be, drove her to think of her own release last. The breathtaking and electric reaction that was drawn from the beautiful woman brought an almost equally fulfilling feeling.

Anu wished to touch every inch, to know the very core of Colibri and for them to have no secrets. Her blood rushed and propelled beneath her skin, burning at her center and pulsing her heart. Her stomach fluttered as she reached below, and touched Coli’s pearl, moist and eager for her attention. If her desire for Anu had not been evident, or if there had been any wonder in the experienced woman’s mind, all were abolished. The last floodgate between them broke, the thin barrier that had yet to fall even in the midst of their confessions, declarations and now consummation. Anu kissed the side of her muzzle, a single finger tracing the out edges and then gently entering. Her fur had been warm to the touch, her lips static energy that Anu drew from at each kiss. Here she was warmer then any purr that rose from her chest, a fire hotter then any other in existence, and she was softer then any newly born flower’s petal.

As soft spoken and gentle hearted as Anu was every waking moment, it did not change now even when feeling such an unbridled urge. She did not believe them to be fragile, their relationship forming more concrete with each passing impassioned moment, but she was not ready to remind her heart’s captor of any of the harsh experiences of her past. Softly and slowly Anu began to draw her finger out, adding another digit before slowly yet eagerly sinking back into her depths.



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