Hunger pays a heavy price
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Once again, so sorry this took a while! And by the way, when I launch into religious views for Ghita's past, I don't have anything resembling a clue what I'm talking about, so feel free to whack me with a fish if I'm wrong. >w<
WC: 569~
WoD: N/A

Her heart still maintaining its quickened pace from the standoff, the woman forced herself to relax, a concept that even in theory one takes as illogical. Impressed by the 'foreigner' standing in front of her, the fae was still daunted by the weapon that she saw in his hands, but impacted more by the fact that he lowered his bow as she lowered her own lips. Surely if the standoff came to a violent climax, her own fangs would be useless in the fight; Nayati had the clear advantage.

All that Ghita could do to attempt at a meager comprehension was blink, trying to force the information into her thick skull. Ghita didn't have the faintest clue what a spiritual journey consisted of, and only recently learned of it's actual use. About to say that the only things she found useful were hunting and providing for her pack, the fae held her tongue, remembering some etiquette that had been drilled into her.

What her companion said next shocked Ghita, perhaps because she had never been a spiritual person. Her pack's religious views had never been specified; to the fae, it never made a huge difference in the everyday life she led. With the nomads, she kept their views apart from her idea of her family of nomads, Ghita never really gaining enough interest to study their religion or the fact that there might be something watching her that she could not see. "A watching Spirit?" She repeated, much like a child in a preschool lesson. If Nayati believed that every wolf had a Guide, and they simply needed to open their eyes & mind, Ghita certainly wouldn't be a prime candidate for such an experience. She knew what she knew; the grass beneath her paws, how it felt to run under the stars and sleep with the forest blanketing her pelt; there was nothing that Ghita could imagine of another world. "I've not heard views like that... interest, though. "

Perhaps her interest and curiosity had been piqued by the ivory stranger. Perhaps she would be willing simply to sit and listen to her companion explain about the Guides and what they did & meant, but in another time, another place, another meeting. There was something else that occupied her attention, in the form of unharvested meat, a herd that two wolves had targeted now.

A simple smile was the only thing needed to communicate Ghita's appreciation at Nayati's words. The division of prey might be another matter to handle entirely, however, in this moment, there were only two wolves, siblings in species, who pursued a common interest and necessity. Nodding at the introduction, Ghita's smile flickered to her normal neutrality, the woman not one to beam like a clown as she put it. "I'm Ghita. Nice meet you both." It seemed as if it would be an insult not to address the huntress that lurked around them, and so the fae avoided the potential pitfall with what she hoped seemed like grace.

Shifting her weight from side to side, Ghita became well aware of the task ahead of them, and the tiny nuances that the odd trio would have to work out. Fearing that clearing her throat would cause too much noise, the fae swallowed slowly before giving voice to the next concern. "Perhaps you have been tracking this herd for longer than I. Have you selected a prey?"


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