Following the taint


The young male’s eyebrows lifted somewhat as he observed a shiver go through the other youngster. Was it discomfort or the lack of a decent temperature? He did not like to see that some of the burns still released some liquid and hoped that he had brought his bag with basics after all. Most of the burns were doing just fine, and although Conor certainly could have continued to treat them, it was not necessary. It would be best to leave them alone and let the body deal with it on its own. Lilac eyes took in the few marks worth continuing treating before he was finished with the brief inspection.

He took in the room they stood in and Conor thought that although it was a good choice of accommodation, it was still hollow and cold – so very unlike the house he shared with Alexey and the children. Did not wolf packs originally sleep at the same place? He thought it sad that a young wolf that so recently had lost his family stayed all by himself when there were other options. Conor’s train of thought was interrupted by Vark and his gaze and attention returned to the boy, listening and feeling dread as Haku’s name was included.

Who could Haku protect? Conor knew there were stories far and wide about his dark hearted father, but he had always thought they were dark and full of his cruelty and evil, bringing the man no compliments. ”Dahlia has been in war with Inferni twice now.” It was often considering the pack’s young age. Wars should not happen at all and before the pack had managed to turn two years old Haku had already forced them into war the second time. ”The first war happened before I was born, and now history is repeating itself.” Conor said sadly; wishing he could have enjoyed the peace better than he had when it was there.

”What do you think of Haku?” the golden male wondered lightly, though feeling somewhat reluctant to hear the answer. So many souls followed the demonic Alpha these days, and though he loathed his father, Conor too was one of them.

Table credit: Alli/Anu

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