I'm here without you.

         He did not seem overly impressed by the quality of her beautiful necklace. She would have been disappointed had it not been obvious by now that the two of them were night and day brought together in an abandoned mall. They were poles designed to exist apart from each other, and she could feel her body’s need to drive him away, fiercer than usual because his personality totally rubbed her the wrong way. Her neck prickled feverishly, but she remained silent as he investigated her beautiful piece of art and shot off a lame reply. Did he mean to insult her like that? Stripped for taste, that was for certain. She lifted her muzzle upwards in an arrogant angle along with a disgusted snort before she turned from him.

What else could she expect from a wolf anyway? She regretted tucking away her sword, but she was skilled in more than just swordplay. She twisted around and set out to deliver a lazy side kick aimed in his general direction, wishing to see him jump away and leave her the hell alone. His presence could have been accepted had he not been so goddamn useless and negative. The Lykoi had no patience for this and action spoke louder than words.

Table credit: Mary Poppins

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