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it's fine, and thanks, it was quite a surprise.


The lack of the father figure might have led to loss of self or confidence, but there was this brother of hers, as well as various other males flitting in and out of her life - just one benefit of the communal living style - and her self-esteem was as high as it can be while still including no vanity. Not yet, at least; she didn't consider how she sounded or looked, and her voice was the voice of honesty. Nothing kept bottled up or hidden, not deliberately, at least. Grace and effortless elegance was another trait their mother had been generous with - she admired her brother so much for it, and had barely any idea that she might have a little of her own. She hopped up onto the tree as he reclined, avoiding the carving, and settled with her knees pulled up before her, watching him with a sidelong gaze. The question made her grin; it was the kind she liked. The kind that required a creative answer. Tipping her eyes up in thought, she answered "I've always wanted a nickname. But Legacy doesn't seem to get any shorter!" For so long she'd never thought of the word as anything but her name. That came first, whatever meaning it might have came second. But now she realised it wasn't like that to others; they would think about the meaning first. She knew what it meant. But why was that her?


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