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that works for me Smile

It was shaping up to be quite an odd day. She'd spent most of it feeling lost amongst the snow, while knowing where she was the whole time, and now the snow was much lighter and Legacy was truly lost. She'd been incautious in her wandering - braving the river-ice, marching into the unknown north-westerly lands. She'd assumed she'd be able to retrace her steps, follow her own scent or pawprints - but of course, the new falling snow covered up much of this. She'd only noticed a few minutes ago, and was feeling the first twinge of unease. Walking along a thin passage between two rock-faces, she swallowed nervously - again, again those hated recollections, walls all around her...

Losing her poise for a minute she sped into a wild run, eyes fixed on the gap at the end of the crevice and scattering snow, burst out, hair in disarray and heart beating wildly. Clutching her own forearms, she took a look behind as if to reassure herself she hadn't been chased, and then started off walking again. Here, there was no snow but a slight powdering of the grey air. The few trees dotted around gave no solace. They were all dead. Where was she?

Relief wasn't the word for noticing a familiar figure perched on a particularly big tree just downhill from her. Her brother; she knew him immediately, even from this angle. The world was safe again, indeed already she felt foolish. Legacy made for him with haste, but slowed as she neared; he was busy with something. As softly as she was able the girl padded up beside him, angling her gaze to his work. An intricate pattern, drawn into the very flesh of the dead tree. To Legacy it was astounding in its detail and beauty. The cinnamon girl gaped with wide-eyes. It was like a mandala - it made her feel strangely calm, focused. Some parts of it were more harsh, and she felt her spine tingle to look at those. As he paused in his work, she took the opportunity to speak. "Did you learn that in Awenasa?"


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