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She hadn't wanted to say the words that would anger him so much he would want to seek out the coyote and kill it himself, or somehow ensure the deed was done...or even just to create a grudge that might someday inflame further, because, Legacy knew, the fact she didn't keep quiet would make her indirectly responsible. Thus she had tried to diffuse her sentences, but that helped little. No one else should be hurt because of her silence, of course, and least of all her family or herself. But it was just chance, the two episodes so far, right? Still, said that niggling conscience, how much better if the chance wasn't there at all!

She did not have the capability to distance herself from thoughts and deeds as an adult would have. Legacy could, and likely would, learn to be detached, hard-of-heart: for now, she just didn't like the idea of anybody dying because of her. Of course, there was the actuality that a violent and ruthless coyote would hurt other people, but at least, she thought, the blood would not be on her or her family's hands, they would be safe from the consequences of murder. Doing nothing and hoping he was brought to an end in another manner was not the same as committing the crime. Unless he struck first, harder than before.

It was in consternation, then, the girl replied "You're right." An affectionate smile softened her expression as he spoke, believing him, feeling safer already. But she couldn't help but add softly "don't go looking for him, though, will you..." Sighing though, trusting his judgement, whatever it might be. What would her mother do in her place... would she want to kill the boy? Did Legacy? "We can defend each other, and..." She hesitated. "Maybe he deserves a chance." Maybe he'd already used it.


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