Character Name: Zasha Egorov
Character Birthdate (including year): June 10, 2006
Whether s/he is a regular wolf or a Luperci: Luperci
Species: Wolf and about 20% Coyote
Gender: Female
A secondary form of contact (AIM, MSN, Y!M): xsweetsugar- yahoo messanger
How you found 'Souls: VTM advertising section
Initial post:

Zasha rarely stoped to rest while on the move. Once something came to mind, she always pressed forward. Normally it was night when she traveled. She liked the dark. The moon's light guiding her and her paws seemed to just go without her knowledge of direction. She liked that her huntign skills were put to test. The dark made it more dificult to see, so her sences was what she used most. Her brother had taught her how to home them to the best she could, still she couldnt compare to him. Sorrowed filled her. She should never have left him.

Now though, it was daylight. Her body welcomed soreness that started in her paws and the tighting of her leg muscles. It had been a long journey. One that would hopefully be rewarding. She did not know why she decided on Canada. The need to learn drove her to knew places. She loved learning about new packs customs and such. It all facinate her.

The wind russled her fur and the chill seeped into her bones. It wasn't uncomfortable, it was welcomed. She stuck her snout to the growned and caught the scent of a border. She had finally reached a destination. Not wanting to be rude she sat and waited. Someone would catch her scent and find her soon.

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