Every time Zasha was welcomes to a pack she felt gratitude and appreciation. The feeling never eluded her. She thought that maybe it was best to feel that way. It showed how much she really let her heart open. Unlike her parents who never showed a single sign of emotion toward her. To her she thought they were cold wolfs. They saw themselves above the rest of the pack. The only emotion they ever gave was toward her brother he and did not really care much for them. Much like Zasha, he was kind hearted. He thought the best of everyone. Flaws were nothing he ever great lengths to point out, even in their parents. Zasha always envied him for that. Even though she had forgiven her parents for the cold shoulder, she still felt that prick of loneliness and empty part in her heart. The empty feeling only grew with his death, which she still to this day is working on healing.

When accepted into this pack, she felt the same amount of gratitude she had for the others. Only this time it was a bit different. She felt like she belonged more, maybe it was due to the need to stay here. She had not even seen this territory and hadn’t met anyone beside Viligant, and yet she still felt… connected in a sort of way. It was a feeling she had never felt before, even the pack she was born into.

“Thank you for the kindness. I greatly appreciate the acceptance and you kind nature. Believe it or not, some packs are not as welcoming or as friendly as you are.” Vigilante was a kind wolf and she hoped to get the opportunity to know him better. “I do not have any specific questions for you, but I will ask if there is anything I should know. Do you suggest a place I should see first, or maybe a pack member to speak with? I am looking forward to exploring this land.”

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