Русский в&#1
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LOL, why, did I pick a bunch of geeky ones? ;_; Gen, you can reply once more as Toliy if you'd like, otherwise I don't see a need to keep a'posting here. :3 ((391))

Things were going swimmingly, it seemed. Liliya was short and sweet as she usually was, preferring not to speak at length with strangers. She lacked many of her father's more social tendencies, and in general she simply was not as outgoing as the rest of them were, preferring to stick to small groups and her preferred bunch. She had been particularly unenthusiastic about joining up with the pack, but Rurik had insisted—living amongst the native speakers here would do wonders for their English language, and he wanted both Liliy and Toliy to have the opportunity to make new friends. The packs were the best setting for that; they'd spent enough time creeping amongst the tall buildings of the city, and now it was time to settle down.

As Anatoliy spoke Rurik grinned his encouragement, impressed with the remarkable progress the youth had made since landing on this coast. It was easiest to absorb language when immersed in it, however, and Rurik was sure that Anatoliy hadn't found too many other Russian speakers floating around with which to converse, forcing him to use his English if he wanted to connect. As it was, Rurik had only met one other Russian speaker, and only once—and he had not even been intelligent enough to grab her name. Ah, well—it seemed she'd been a drifter, anyway, as after their first meeting on the beach he'd not seen or smelled her anywhere close by. She probably could have picked a much easier way of arriving on this continent, though—there was no need to go diving off the sides of ships.

The Constable spoke once more, complimenting the trio of Russians' linguistic skill. Again Rurik beamed proudly at his kids, though this time there was a "told you so!" element to his smile, reflected in his expressive blue eyes. “Thanks very much, my friend. It is good to know we will be with a different crowd,” the silvery werewolf commented, previously unaware of the Miracles' pack's various language. That made him all the more excited, of course. “No, I think we will be alright, but thank you again. I think we will head to the hotel. I should see Strelein, and we should get settled in,” the werewolf said, still smiling at the Constable. He was already feeling at home here—how lovely!

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