we are fuel and fire both

In a world that seemed so very far away from the odd and treacherous place Minos now lived in he would have done all he could to avoid a fight with anyone. All his instincts told him that he was to cower, to shy away and fear the touch of another. It would only bring pain, and it constructed a lowly follower that was as loyal as he was frightened. But, he had adapted and changed and the only thing that did not was his loyalty to his alpha.

The yote did not flinch, or hardly move until his white body was practically on top of him. Minos did not stop to wonder, pushing forward with hopes of a quick and painless kill. Nothing was so easy, and the smaller canine moved away with speed and experienced grace. But even though his target moved he felt the warm and the taste of blood touch his tongue It pushed him further and faster, the goal so close that he literally taste it.

But the lithe warrior moved as if his eyes could see each attack that Minos planned. Minos could only move with the coyote as it drew it's teeth for the attack, planning aside deep thoughts washed from his mind. Minos felt them pierce his skin, the burning and the pain that came could not go unnoticed and yet he did not fall to it. The coyote was so close, and Minos' drive to taste his blood once more over powered any notion of pain. Minos raised his head, back legs propelling and using the force his larger body held to lean into the beast that had bitten him. The teeth tore, but his drew close to the sandy colored neck, his legs pushing into him.


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