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sorry this is crap.. this is definitely the first fight thread i've ever done with tokyo, and possibly the first one i've ever done on souls ever. o_O. i suck so hard at them. your table is supar cute, btw. 408 words

Annd it was looking like it was the child that was closing in on her for the attack. Wow, that was ridiculously lucky. Or was it? If it had been anyone bigger, anyone more threatening, one of the other males would probably have leaped to her defense. As it was, though, it seemed they were all distracted, all occupied by the more terrifying coyotes. Maybe this was an intentional plan of Inferni's - let the weak one go for the attack, no one would think him threatening, and then he'd kill her child! Or something. No, that was stupid. Only she knew how hopelessly inept she was at fighting. The default assumption for anyone else, for any other canine, really, was that they had some sort of motor control. She had the advantage of height, at least.

The problem, of course, came with what to do with King. She couldn't do much else but kick while holding the boy, and her hesitation in the matter let the coyote whelp get in the first attack. Her reflexes were rather lacking. The little thing crashed into her leg as if he was expecting that sort of action to make her fall over or something but oh my god ow fuck shit what the fuck his teeth fucking hurt. Her ankle throbbed, and her other leg swung forward in a less-than-graceful attempt to kick the thing and dislodge it. Fuck, she needed her hands. Tokyo had backed far enough away from the main group of coyotes that King would probably be okay tucked in the grass here for a few moments.. Everyone was preoccupied now, anyway, and it wasn't like anyone could sneak up on her. If a coyote pealed off from any other battle to target her son, she would see.

So she stepped back awkwardly, lowering King in her left hand and dropping him the last few inches to the ground. Murmured apologies and warnings to stay still, to be good, Mommy would pick him up again in a moment and take him somewhere safe.. In the process, she picked up a rock. This was war. She couldn't be afraid to draw some blood. To do some damage. Youth or not. They had been ready and willing, nay, eager to kill her baby boy, her precious darling, her life and blood.. How could they expect any different from her? If the easy opportunity arose, this young male was going to die.

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