Inferni Subterritory Contest
Territory 01

A) Goldsglen Peak
The highest point of Inferni territory, this area has a series of both flat and pointed cliffs that spiral up staircase-style to the top. The peak features a flat cliff, perfect for overlooking the territory and seeing the misty lands far beyond. It also gives a wonderful view of Occasus Promontorium, as well as a limited view to the dead lands on the other side of Halcyon Mountain. The view on the other side is considered Inferni's pride and joy, considering Gabe started the fire and ruined it. The cliffs are not necessarily difficult to climb, but take time to find a decent way up. I also pictured it being called Goldsglen because its view is rather picturesque and the sun shines gloriously upon it. It is one of few places that still captures beauty in Inferni territory.

B) Sierra Aestas (Name Info)
The mountainous region is somewhat treacherous; large stones rise up out of the ground without warning, giving way to steeper and steeper peaks as the clan's territory extends into Halcyon Mountain. Near the foothills of the Sierra Aestas region there are few trees; those that can survive are generally spindly deciduous types, just barely clinging to the loose, rocky soil. Closer toward the peak of the mountain, the slope eases and the trees are much taller, reaching toward the sky, flourishing in the ample sunlight and prime conditions of the mountainside. A sizable population of goats makes its home along the Sierra Aestas slopes, a hardy breed developed from the once-domesticated human farms and the native ungulates. Though they make an excellent meal, they are very fast on their hooves, and on a steep incline most able-bodied goats will easily escape even a Luperci. Where _____ Creek/Stream/whatever springs forth from the deep wells of the mountains, a small waterfall spills over a six foot drop in to a clear, deep pool. This is an excellent fishing spot, especially as fish swim upstream to spawn during their breeding seasons. During the end of these seasons, the pool is literally choked with fish, hundreds of them congregate at the end of _____ Creek/Stream/whatever to complete their breeding cycles. The exquisitely clear water allows a skilled fisherman to take down a huge catch—all the while barely denting the number of fish in the pond.

C) The Fornholt
Located at the base of the mountain, the Fornholt is a foreboding stretch of forest that always seems peculiarly dim. The trees themselves manage to block nearly all direct sunlight from penetrating their boughs, though this is not enough to leave the forest completely dark. A variety of trees can be found here, but the most common are Ash, Oak, and Fir. A singular main path cuts through the woods, and in sections, it is lined by large stones. With a layer of pine needles blanketing sound, this area is particularly excellent for hunting.

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