Inferni Subterritory Contest
Territory 02

A) Noreach Station
An old, abandoned train station now plagued with age and rust. As expected, the small station building still stands, but it is small in size and broken just about everywhere. Dust and cobwebs litter the building's interior; footing is difficult, since the wooden floorboards are weak and dangerous to step on. Outside the station, the tracks are rusted and now obviously pointless, grass peeking through the rails. Off to the side are abandoned trains, all still standing but equally shamed with age -- many windows are broken, the doors don't work, and the trains definitely won't move. Seats are ripped and many collapsed, but moving through the trains' interiors is generally not too difficult. There are three, maybe four trains of differing colors, most of which literally just sitting out on the tracks against the weather and time. A few scattered treasures can be found on the floors, and the possibility to find old, abandoned suitcases is plausible.

B) Devil's Demesne
The low, flat territory of the Waste gives way to rolling hills here; the soil becomes almost sandy near the edges of coyote territory. The land is virtually unable to support anything save the hardiest of scruffy grass and the occasional gnarled, low-leaning bush. The Devil's Demesne isn't too dissimilar from a desert in appearance, but of course the temperature is significantly cooler, the air much damper. An exceptional amount of wind blows through here, carried in from the Bay of Fundy, down through the mountains, or straight across the plains of the Waste. Powerful gusts funnel down through the smooth valleys and large rock formations that make up the craggy foothills of Halcyon Mountains. A long, desolate highway snakes through the low hills, winding up and around the mountain in dizzying twists and turns. Route 32 is dotted with two tiny gas stations, each sporting an overgrown parking lot and a tall sign, barely standing after years of decay. Though both stations have long since been emptied of their valuables, both would make excellent sentry posts should anyone need to defend the northwestern border. Both stations also sport basements capable of housing at least one coyote, prime residence for the more secluded of Inferni's inhabitants.

C) Folly Mountain (Info)
description forthcoming

D) Cobequid Hills + Cobequid Pass (Info, Info)
description forthcoming

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