It's just our nature
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She didn’t follow a calendar, for such things had been what the human’s had used to tract their days. She looked to the moon, the changes of the season to show her the passing of time. The days would pass, they would come and go without numbers or names. It made catching her date of birth difficult, for Mati could only remember that it had been cool, and the leaves were red and yellow and brown. They were her earliest memories of the world beyond the soft stomach of her mother and the wet noses of her siblings.

Mati watched as he looked at the canvases, wondering what it was that he thought of. When his voice rang Mati looked to the unfinished or blank fabrics. His offer was sweet, but she couldn’t honestly think of anything that he might have that she could want. She was simply happy to do something for him, as always. The mural of his room was a place of pride for Mati, and she had told more then one wolf that she had done so for him. Did you have something in mind? She wondered.

His next words surprised her, and she felt a small smile come to her face. She hadn’t thought that was the reason for his question, and looked away with a bit of embarrassment. He didn’t need to do that; though it was the thought that really moved her. Really? She questioned, her gaze coming back to his and smiling. You don’t need to do that. She said with pass of her hand, waving the thought away from the both of them. He was too sweet for his own good.

So then it was his birthday, the new knowledge of it must have been what made his think of Mati’s and start this whole knew conversation. Happy Birthday, She said with a bright voice, and then gave the male a hug. belated of course. She commented with a laugh.

by Gen


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