[M] I want your design
WARNING This thread contains: graphic sexual content. Reader discretion is advised.


Most days the feather-haired luperci woke with the sun. She would rise in time to watch the deep blacks and blues of the lands change to the lighter, more pallid colors of day. This morning was much the same as the ones that had come before it, in that aspect. Dawn was her favorite time of the day. Above her head birds chirped, their tiny calls echoing back and forth between the tree branches that stretched across the path that her paws took. She could catch little bits of conversation if she concentrated and set her mind correctly; "sing! sing song! food! find food today!", "worm, worm, worm"

Lotus was still snoozing back in the den, as far as she knew. Her young son didn't often wake up at the same time as she did, choosing a later hour to rise, so she did not expect for him to need food for a few hours at the least. He was old enough to begin to learn how to hunt, if he was willing. She would attempt that sometime in the next week or so, perhaps. The warrior had shown the pup her weapons and had explained their use, but Lotus hadn't seemed to like them very much. In fact, he had very nearly begun to cry and she had ended up giving in to his pleas to do something else. She had never known a child quite like him.

Ember was headed toward the border on this day. She carried her normal belt of weapons around her waist but had added something new to the mix--a pair of wire cutters. She had chosen to go without her cloak on this morning, deciding that it would probably get too warm to use it. Over one shoulder was a coil of fencing that she had brought back from the city. There was a big gap in the northern part of the fence, if she was remembering things right, and today was as good a day as any to fix it up good.


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