Now we'll be free. Marit's turn!


A light shiver shook Conor’s spine as it tracked it up to his neck. This was new to him – he knew nothing about another fire nor the death of Sicarus. Soft lavender eyes intensified and turned darker with an approaching storm as he thought those tainted words over. Had the Rosen taken the life of one of his own loyal members? Why was he not surprised to discover such a thing? Haku had already attempted to harm the pack he was supposed to protect. The heavy scent of coagulated blood pressed around the boy’s throat and he swallowed heavily, unable to remove the growing lump made up by a wide range of emotions. How could they have let it go this far. ”You are killing Dahlia, Haku!” he shot in with a voice heated by fresh anger and discontentment. Things could not continue in this track any longer. Dahlia could not offer to shut eyes and ears any longer.

The yearling hissed lightly at the dangerous words of the self crowned king of Dahlia. Was there any sense at all left in the other? The question caused Conor’s chest to shoot forward, and the younger Soul man gathered whatever confidence he could find as he forced his voice to ring strong and secure. ”I’m here because this madness has to end.” Cinnamon and gold tail with a splash of white on the tip rose with some new superiority now. He could do this. It was the right thing. ”I know that you were the one to set out the traps around Dahlia.” And it burned his chest to know this. Ah, the rage was scorching. ”I know you killed those animals.” It was clear that his father was no longer sane. Members were dying in horrible ways and the young male did not doubt that Haku would not stop until every precious life was sacrificed. "I know you've killed and terrorized many people.."The thought was sickening.

Table credit: Alli/Anu

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