Now we'll be free. Marit's turn!


Amusement took over and threatened to shake his body with wild spasms as the boy stood before him and believed he was in a position to lecture him – to bring forth change. Oh no, the evil beast’s plans were already coloured with red hues and put in motion. These were not the greatest plans he would come up with, but the demon was just getting started. He had all the time in the world to destroy lives and he adored the pleasant rush of twisted satisfaction that bubbled within for every life he twisted and destroyed. He adored death, but if it was brought on too quickly it lost its entertaining factor, and he could not let that happen. However, if death had to be dealt to push this plot on then he was more than willing to end them. The whispering ghost buzzed and shifted and the madman twisted his face to the shadows in the walls and snarled openly.

He needed to pain the walls crimson to ease their hunger, but he hungered too. It would never be enough. He could feast for all eternity, but would never truly find the satisfaction he so desperately sought. That was part of his nature though, and for now the world would be his playground and he would harvest his shallow victories here for the sake of amusement. The master waited eagerly for lost souls and it was his task to bring him fresh supply. The ninth grinned and turned to the Dahlian member again, started to approach the foolish mortal that no longer had a right to his life. It annoyed him that the male was in his optime, annoyed him that he thought that height counted for anything. He would dig into Conor’s belly and rip it open.

”You think you can save the world?” the dark hearted man mocked darkly as he moved in on the boy, which now had started to back away from his approaching form. ”You think you can tell me what I can and can’t do?” the raspy voice seemed to climb slowly, turning into something of a challenge as well. ”I am the ruler of this pack and you will all obey me or die.” Death was what was coming for Conor now.

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