I'm so sane, it's driving me crazy
[html]For Remedy <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3 <-- Many hearts Big Grin

The mid-afternoon sun was shining weakly, it's rays blocked by the thick gray clouds that were rolling lazily across the sky, occasionally dropping quick flurries of snow. One such snowfall was happening now, the small flakes catching in the soft, cold breeze that was blowing across the land and dancing in the air before coming to rest on the sturdy boughs of the old gnarled tress or on the floor still littered with dead leaves from the past season. A small furry face peeked out from beneath one of the old tree's roots, a small rabbit began, slowly to leave the confines of its burrow, creeping out cautiously, stopping every few moments to test the air, sniffing for any sign of a predator. Finally it emerged fully, confident that it was safe, by the time that the small creature realised that it had made a fatal error in not noticing the dark wolfess, her jaws were already closed around it's head.
Soran ate the rabbit quickly, devouring it, she had not realised how hungry she had been, but after the several days trekking from the small pack she had left behind back to the 'Souls lands with almost no food, she knew that she must have been requiring some sustenance. So now, with a slightly more full stomach and a sense that she was home, despite all of the terrible things that she had gone through here, the dark lady lay down in the undergrowth, crossing her front paws over one another casually.
It was strange, despite all that had come to pass in these lands she still felt happy to be home, even when she had been with the other pack, as a welcomed guest (for she had not had the heart to join them, knowing that the pull of these lands would eventually drag her back) she had not been content, she was indeed good friends with the members of that pack, but they were not her family, and where they lived was not where she belonged. Oddly enough these lands were where Soran's heart lay and so again she had returned. Jade eyes scanned the landscape as she lay there, her tail wagging slightly, revealing the small happiness that she had from being back home.[/html]

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