Brighten up your smile
wow I really suck. My internet crashed for like a week. But im back

Vark studied the ground, trying to think of a response. The sound of the wind whispering through the grass and the trees was somehow soothing, and helped fill in the silence between the two wolves. Vark thought back to the moment when he tore into the smaller coyotes, spilling it’s life blood out onto the disturbed dirt floor of the forest. He hadn’t felt savage triumph, like he expected, but a kind of numbness. "I still feel anger towards the coyotes, after all, they killed my parents.” Vark said, worrying the grass beneath his toes. "But its not the same. I felt numb. In killing the other coyote, I felt a calmness that I don’t often feel at any other time. It made me forget my own pains. I fear I may use it as a way to forget my pains, and then come to depend on the life blood of other canines.” Vark looked at his friend, determination glittering in his eyes. "But that won’t happen. I won’t let it happen.” Vark started forward, wanting to end that line of conversation. "Come on.” He said, the grin returning to his face. "Lets go hunt.”




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