It's Adventure Time!
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Exploration! His parents liked to call it "wandering off", but to Delwyn the thrill of being outside, on the move and unsupervised surpassed all others. At least today he had had the good sense to tell his mother, Xeris, that he was going to out to play: an improvement over the past. A yearning for the thrill of new experiences burned inside him like a white-hot coal in his soul, and every new sight brought with it new understanding or awe.

Barely moments after leaving his cabin, he stumbled upon the very first flower-in-bloom in he'd ever seen. Scarcely more than a weed, the tiny purple petals on the fragile flower would seem pathetic to a more experienced wolf, but to Delwyn it was a literal mental barrage of new textures, smells, shapes and tastes as he studied, sniffed and eventually ate it (respectively). It smelled lovely!

He didn't care for the taste.

Never able to keep still for more than a few moments, and with the flower gone and being digested, Delwyn took off at a sprint into the woods. And so it happened that the precocious youngster came upon an entire bed of the tiny flowers, growing fervently through some soft moss, next to a bubbling brook. April beetles were buzzing though the air, in the trees above a pair of cardinals were competing for territory through song and Delwyn stopped to play. He laughed cheerfully as he snapped at bugs, rolled on flowers, and otherwise acted adorable, as puppies oft do, and the day was yet young.


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