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For Ahren in the Yawrah River Territory.

Moon was so glad to be home. Storm was his favorite place in the entire world, except maybe the port town he had been nursed in, which brought many travelers through and taught him quite a lot. First of all, he had become a young man in those months away. The silvery boy found himself missing his giant black savior from time to time, but today he was to busy worrying over his young friend’s absence. Moon wasn’t sure if Selene had gone away, or if she had just been sleeping elsewhere during these last few weeks, but he worried for the silvery girl. It wasn’t exactly a brotherly love that he had for her, but it was definitely a familial one.

Moon and Zorion were enjoying a simple walk through the Yawrah River territory adjoining Storm when a sudden uprising of fluttering birds spooked Zori. The black horse shot out from under Moon’s careful hand, and even though Moon was an expert rider by now, he was thrown off easily. After picking himself off the ground and rubbing his sore ribs, Moon set off in the direction the horse had headed. Zorion, who was no normal warhorse, was not easily spooked. Whatever caused him to bolt this time had probably been truly surprising for the equine, so Moon was somewhat worried as he stalked through the river’s floodplain, calling out for his companion in a strong, loud voice; “Zori, where are you? Zorion?”


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