Foreign Exchange
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Damn her voice. The female hadn’t wanted to startle anyone, but the excitement was just too much to contain. It was a wonder she hadn’t made herself hoarse from how long and far her song carried. The exhaust muddled her cords to sound urgent, and her heart’s desire too encouraged the change in octave. It seemed useless to correct it. But as she tore the knots from her mane while thinking about it, she felt less inclined to do so.

It was only when the russet image of her obsession melted from over the boundary line onto free lands. Her digits still occupied with refitting a braid, Zynex wobbled awkwardly to her feet, dipping her head in a respectable gesture while still cording the strand to its end. “Hello Dawali,” the dame struggled to smile, struggled to conceal her excitable disposition in front of the chief. Her braid finished, she let it fall to her chest and placed her hand neatly behind her back. “I’m sorry about my call…I didn’t mean for it to sound urgent. I have been travelling non-stop, you see, and I suppose fatigue got the better of me.” Slender ears lay flush against her skull. “There’s nothing to worry about….actually,” an ear perked briefly then resumed its relaxed position. “I have good news.”

Forgoing formality between them, she approached the Chief in casually strides daring to take his paw and shake it with emphasis. “Jefferson has given me permission to learn about you..and your pack. An exchange of sorts. So long as it’s alright with you.” Perhaps not as eloquently worded as she would have liked, but it had come to her attention that the more she held onto the regal tongue of her clan, the more she was distancing herself socially from one wolf to another. It was time her tongue curved a little to favor the comfort of another. And with this developing anxiety in wait for Dawali’s reply, there would be no problem in turning her words to fit the situation.

word: 338


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