a poison on the street.


There was something in the fluid nature of Harlowe's demeanor that was mildly annoying to King—it was always something to be watching, the quick movements of his eyes and the twitching of his ears. He interpreted it as a nervous feeling in the other wolf, which therefore translated to weakness. There was something simple in the hierarchy of wolves that the youth saw—the ones that dominated were the calm and confident ones and the ones that followed with tails between legs were sometimes nervous, simply not cut out for command. King was not sparing in his judgments—it was obvious whom he saw in which position in this strange meeting, and it was somewhat obvious in his own body language. The kid's posture was dangerous, tail flicking in the air with his head held high. Sure, it might just be that he belonged to this pack and Harlowe didn't, but that wasn't all it.

So he took to leading the impromptu search party well, learning of Addison's affiliation with the older wolf as he continued. King did not reply; he didn't know either of these wolves, so he couldn't figure anything to say to begin with. "We'll see what we can do," he eventually came up with, ears perked and nose keenly picking up the old and new scents scattered about the territory. Bad thing was that he didn't know Larkspur's scent, so he really had to rely on Harlowe on that.

When it came to talking about himself, King always obliged but wasn't necessarily glib about it. "Yeah, kind of. My mom is here, her name's Tokyo. My dad used to live here too but he isn't anymore... Got two half-brothers, two, from my dad's side. One is the Alpha." His tone spoke for how he thought of them—reverence centering around his father and a thinly-disguised disdain for his half-brothers. He paused before adding offhandedly, "I got a lot of other family, too, but not as close as those."

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