If Not For You

His bones and muscles felt heavy. Perhaps it was not just the air here, but the weight of the days. War was over, and it had been ended, but something about this area brought this back. Gabriel looked better then he had, but there was no doubt that months of conflict had taken a toll on the Aquila. The luster in his dark fur had faded. Only his eyes remained as fierce and bright as they had been.

The woman before him was a moonbeam, a trick of the light. She was too soft, too fragile. The Waste, the scarred earth, it was at odds against her. Everything outside of that forest of her’s was too dangerous and too sharp. Anu was made of soft lines and softer colors, and he did not believe that her being would survive here. Instinctively, he believed it was his duty to protect her. The Sun she worshiped was hidden behind thick storm clouds, black and gray and blue, and it would not grant her light. Even now, above them, the turbulent clouds rolled. The air smelt like rain and in the distance he could hear thunder.

It was her voice that drew him back from the cold wind. Both ears swiveled to a black crown atop his head, and his face darkened tremendously. “Haku,” he nearly spat. “He wants to destroy us. We were lucky the fire burnt out where it did.” A gesture with his head to the north. “Most of the clan lives just over that ridge, up in the caves.”

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