If Not For You


There wasn’t much in the mouth of his den, a passage just large enough for single figure to pass through. Gabriel led her through this, and was not surprised that Anu had to crouch in order to enter. He had bottle-necked the den to avoid allowing heat, cold, and enemies into it. Once inside, the room expanded into two separate areas; a larger family space, and a smaller one now filled with books and things scavenged from the human world. The Aquila took a few moments to shift to his Optime form, gritting his teeth as his bones ached and twisted. A mass of black, blonde, and red hair fell around his face and the scars along his body expanded, though most remained hidden under his thick coat. Snorting, he shook the water from his coat.

“Thanks,” he replied, and smiled faintly. “You can go sit down, I don’t think we’ll be getting out of here anytime soon.” As he said this, another rumbling of thunder shook the land. Gabriel did not frown; he loved storms. He loved the power and might of the world around him, loved seeing the fury of a God that was both love and cruel. The storm filled his body with electricity and brought lightning into his eyes. This, however, might have been attributed to the flint he was striking, gently coaxing a small fire into life. There was enough air to pull the smoke out into the rain, something he had made sure of years ago when making this cave his home.

Gabriel joined her on the pile of blankets and furs, one hand hitting a glass bottle as he did so. The whiskey had remained out since Rikka had been healing, and occasionally, he used it to sleep. “Sorry,” the dark-faced man said. “I guess you won’t be seeing much of Inferni.”

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