Lake of Memories......
Keychain gulped and stuttered. ''I-I-I came from just outside of 'Souls. My name is Keychain, and well I don't really know where I am going, all of these smells are unfamiliar to me. Maybe that's why I didn't notice I crossed borders...'' The female's voice trailed off. When the male looked away for a second she wanted to sprint but Keychain wasn't going to be stupid.

The she - wolf looked at the Xion. She blinked a few times, confused. The female kept on explaining herself. Sometimes, when the female was asked to explain herself, she would tell everyone her whole history. ''Well I've kind of been cooped up in a den all my life, I mean I kinda know how to hunt but I'm still learning. So...even though I'm also a mature adult...well I...'' Keychain sighed and looked down ashamed of herself.
Finally after a moment, she looked back up at Ty. ''Uhm....can I leave now?'' Keychain asked after everyone had stopped talking. The female put on the best innocent face she could, and if Ty confirmed that Keychain could get outta there, the she - wolf would, well, get the heck outta there.

She glanced at a twig on the ground. And while waiting on a reply, she messed around with it. How could anyone find entertainment in a stick? Keychain could, if given the chance. And if there was nothing better to do, that is. She rolled over on her stomach--she had been on her back when Ty had pinned her--and smiled. The female touched the twig with her paw and giggled.

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