Seeking to Join
Tynan followed Conor and listened intently as he gave a brief tour of the lands. The lands indeed were rich and desirable. Areas such as these were rare for Tynan to find, and to have found the area owned by a welcoming pack was a true blessing. He silently listened to the descriptions of the lands, although his mind raced with thoughts and plans for where he should settle down. As the tour was nearing an end, Tynan finally spoke to Conor.

"Is the pack now that much smaller than before? I am surprised that another pack has not tried to take some of the better lands for themselves." After he spoke this, Tynan held onto a small hope this might mean there was peace between at least some of the packs in the region. Although he had not met any others yet, he knew it would be almost impossible for such a large area to only have one small pack.

Hoping he would not interrupt Conor, he quickly asked another question with eagerness. "These lands are indeed large. I would not even know where to go from here. Is there anywhere in particular I am needed?"

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