A quick look

Back-dated a little. To when, exactly?
I wrote this up and forgot to actually post it. Fail ><

come dance with the west wind and touch on the mountain tops

Though he had just left Savina's house, the chief was not about to go home immediately. Some time had passed since Ghita's injuries, and while he was here he wanted to check up on her, and make sure that her wounds were healing properly. She might not like it, but he didn't care; she would appreciate his efforts later, maybe. Dawali knew that one should never assume that the body fixed itself, even if it seemed like it. Maybe two weeks later, or just a day after a speedy recovery, something went wrong and the patient ended up worse off than they had been. Seeing as Ghita's injuries had mostly been broken or bruised bones, any big decline didn't seem likely, but Dawali still wanted to see that the bones were healing properly, and last but not least, to see if she was allowing her injuries to heal without putting too much stress on them. Many patients got up on their feet as soon as the pain decreased, but this medic knew all too well that it could ruin the healing process entirely. He'd seen it with the leg of one of the elders in the Great Tribe, and he had had to use a stick to help him walk until he died because of it. Dawali didn't want to see such a thing happen to anyone, and especially not anyone young like Ghita. He attempted to filter her scent from the mass of scents that made up Crimson Dreams, but eventually gave up. Lifting his russet muzzle to the sky, he called for her, though he wasn't sure just how she would be able to move. Even so, if she just called back, he would be able to find her. He was just getting the direction wrong right now, probably.


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