Merry Melodies

sorry if this post is kinda fail, been having issues getting the muse fired up =\

The Dauphine's offer to help Anann furnish her home made her realize she had not even thought about it. A table at the very least would certainly be nice. Though she had no clue what she would do for a bed. She had been months with out a true bed, often sleeping against the side of her horse. Things to worry about once the house was actually built, until then such thoughts were just daydreams. That would be great! I hadn't even started to think about furniture yet. If they were to come up for supper sometime she would certainly need somewhere for them to be able to sit and eat. It wasn't often Anann scavenged for human items preferring to make whatever she could or finding another luperci that could when she needed something. Of coarse that was more easily done back home.

Anann worked at untangling the unruly mass of Rem's mane as Ruri told the story of how she and Heath had met. It had taken the a moment to start the story and Anann had waited patiently for her to gather her thoughts. It was a surprise to the golden fem to hear that Ruri had been in the shipwreck with Jacquez. She had not realized that she had accompanied the king here. When the lautari paused in her story, Anann held back her questions about her sea voyage. Waiting for the rest of the story of her and Heath's meeting. Such a sweet story. That sounds like Heath, he seems to be quite protective of the things he loves. She had seen his protective nature in action when he had learned of Rem's pregnancy. She was sure he would always do what he could to keep the cloud of sadness away from his lovely mate.

She was amazed by the number of wolves she had met that had traveled to this area by boat. She had no idea that the method of travel was so widely used. Though they were close to the shore, so perhaps it was only natural. I've never traveled on the ocean before. What was it like? She was earnestly curious and was finding Ruri very easy to talk to. She had not really asked any of the others about their sea voyages. Although Anatoliy had seemed to have a great love of the sea.


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