you me and a sunset
Zafier looked around to make sure no one was near by listening. "So you know I just have never had the chance do you think an old timer like me could find somebody?" He asked as he sat up looking at the younger male He understood that the younger male was different and very unique but did the older male actually have a chance out here now? After all how many years did he have left now. Who knows he could drop dead in a day or something.

Walking back over Ayita smiling looked at them. She wondered what her brother was thinking being here and having more of a chance to live a normal and grand life. "So boys miss me much?" She asked joking. "Strel I heard that you found a place to stay I haven't really gotten a chance to find you so where are you staying maybe we can get together more often." She said.

Zafier looked at him then his sister. "Who said anything about you coming to hang out. Your mated and it seems like the two of you rarely get together to talk. So why don't you go and leave the big boys to play." he said with a smile.

Ayita looked at him. "I think not so hussssh." She said gently slapping her brother. She was hoping that Strel wouldn't mind a friend;y visit once in a grand while. From her and maybe pain in the but Zafier.

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