you me and a sunset
Zafier looked at him maybe the younger male was right and there was time for him though maybe a few one night stands wouldn't be half bad for him. He was still a little lost not knowing what to do. Don't rush was another good idea. Wait this seemed so wrong to him why was the younger male giving the older ale advice wasn't something about this a little weird. Snorting a bit he gave a weird smile. "Ya good point"

"Oh really so your staying there with Alaine and her pup and her adopted little one right." She said thinking that was all that was in the hotel right. So he painted it wait painting she didn't dare make herself seem so stupid and smiled. "So who did it just you?" She asked. Maybe someone had helped she didn't know how much knowledge the younger male had.

"Oh I know we're sibling and its ok." She said smiling. "I'm glad you wouldn't mind me coming by I could use something much better. do you need me to bring you material? Or anything." She asked not knowing. She hoped she had things he could fix and make better and maybe get him to make a gift for her mate. She had no problem with Strels harmless flirting she knew he was gay.

Zafier snorted. "Fix me up I think not" He said. "I don't need fixing I've got pants." He said looking at the old dirty pants he wore."No big." He said. "Bragging?" He questioned he was so confused.

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