set me free, your heaven's a lie
380. *noms Jassy while Hybrid noms Kol!* :3

He had been bred for this. He had been wrought from violence, with Venomous’s rape of Asphyxia and his sister’s revenge against her father. He had lashed out at his own mother just as his sister had murdered their father. He had threatened Asphyxia and revelled in the beauty of her foolishness. The first war had been due to her blunder and she had brought violence to Inferni’s borders. Oh, how Hybrid had revelled in that! And now, as this warrior was grasping at her last few breaths, he could see that this was all he could do with his life. He could admire his work as his opponent struggled to survive. There was such beauty and elegance in an adversary’s dying form. The victory would only be sweeter knowing he had faced her before and knowing she had been bred and nurtured for the same purpose. Hybrid was not sure if he had been born this way, or if he had been moulded to fit a greater purpose. Perhaps he was a part of the balance that demanded blood for life and chaos for every semblance of order. Perhaps this was all too damn poetic and the only thing that really mattered was the taste of blood and the dull clink of tooth against claw.

It was then that he felt it: her resistance and his success. She prevented him from pushing her over and clawing out her belly, but she was not impervious to his teeth. From her reaction, he had caused considerable damage to her eye. They separated and Hybrid was able to see that one of her eyes was not working. He grinned, knowing this would be a great advantage. She now had one hell of a blind spot.

Hybrid did not waste any time. Once they separated, he moved again, aiming to push her over or tire her out. Although his muscles were beginning to ache, it appeared as though she had taken more damage than he had. Although his neck and ear ached, it would not completely prevent him from finishing her off. Quickly, he moved again, weaving in to the blinded side to push her off balance. He ducked low, snapping at her legs and her underbelly, trying to remain out of sight.

Table by Anu! Big Grin

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