An accident...
OOC: Halllloooo!

His eyes narrowed as it was obvious, he would certainly be left upon this land until he could somehow find another vessel. Large ears swiveled back upon hearing quite the angelic voice, looking in the direction that such a sweet voice came, he saw just the matching soul for such a voice, "Why, 'ello there! W'at a be'ut'a'ful voice fer such a be'ut'a'ful woman!" He bowed to her in quite the gentlemen fashion, "Mey name t'is Charles D'Fago." He said in his broken english. "Aye lost me boat...g'ess it din't want me no more.." A smug smile came to his face as he attempted a joke. "So, miss, w'at be yer name?" His dark eyes smile to the young lady. As she spoke his eyes looked about. He smelled others but not a single fresh scent came to him. Was the lady all alone out here? Trying to figure this out he then was reminded of his hunger. The ache in his belly was not going away anytime soon and he couldn't afford the small talk. "Well, m'lass, I really ain't got time to chitty-chat. I muss be gettin' me some grub. My stup'it boat done took off with it an' I muss be tryin' to find a place to stay fer tha ni'.." As he turned to pick up what small satchel he had with him, he turned to her his eyes narrowed curiously, "You ain't out here by ye self are ye?" His brows creased together with sincere concern, "Cause no miss should be out by ye gets awfue dan'erous by ye self...specially for lasses."

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