An accident...
His eyes took in the interaction between the two, pleased to see that they got along. It was one thing he hated was women being disrespected. His eyes darted back to the alpha, a sheepish grin on his face. Then the same was given to Orin, "Luck...yeah-Oh! I do't min' miss, and yes, it twas nice meetin' ye!" He bowed very gentlemen like in manner before going about answering the leader's questions. "Whelp, I mus' say it t'is a bit embarresin' ta say thee le'st...I twas gettin' outta the boat, the rope in tow, it twas attach ta the boat, see?" He began to point out to the sea where he was coming in at, "I don' hava' ancher ancher, so I twas jus' gonna tie me boat up ta that boulda, see? But, I fergot me sails were up still. A gust'a wind came an' I lost me grip!" The whole time he was gesturing and pointing with his hands. It was as if he couldn't tell the tale without the hands. Looking back to Vigilante he smiles, "Oh, Aye hail from, Ole English country way out thur!" His hands wave gesturing which direction he came from, "Me Papee tis from a place he called Scotland, and me mum from w'at she called Ole English country." He smiled with pride as his tongue lolled out.

He was beaming by time he decided to go on about his blood lines, "Tho, my pa'ents are from dif'rent places, Aye is all pure blood Corgi-Cardigan to be exact! Me mamma' always shurd stories of me ancestory! We took on cattle and force'em w'ere we wanted'em! That twas back when we were nuttin' but fer-leggers and pink hairless two-leggers roamed the earth! But that was centuries ago!" He laughs a good hardy chuckle, "Me mamma' always told me that therr was nuttin' our family can't do, no matta' how small we are!" He folds his arms with another beaming smile, "So, yer mamma' ever told you stories about yer ancestory?" He watches the large brute with a good-natured interest. At this time he forgot how hungry he was. Perhaps it was the bread, or the company, or even perhaps both. It had been awhile since the sailor had company, his crew left due to their not so pirate activities. Charles didn't mind, he felt they were just rude scalawags anyhow.

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